WPPI is sneaking up on all photographers, nationwide, and I am so excited to be speaking again this year! Sony has invited our team to their booth, and we will be talking about building a tribe! It’s no secret that we are a growing team of photographers, but that doesn’t mean it was an easy start. We’ve had tough discussions, come to Jesus moments, and tons of compromises!


This year we will be at the Sony booth, #520. Below you can find a map of how to navigate the floor! Here are the times we will be there:

Monday at 11:30 and 2pm
Tuesday 10 and 2
Wednesday at 10:30

The morning sessions will be all about “Building Your Tribe- How to Reach Beyond”, and Jess will be speaking with me! The afternoon times will be filled with how to shoot with hot lights. I’m so excited to be talking with you all, and can’t wait to meet you! Make sure to stop by, say hi, and introduce yourself! We are so honored to be sharing our story and hopefully helping everyone wanting to grow their own tribe!

